How We Communicate Progress with Our Customers

Since Frailey Woodworks is a small-company without a national reputation, it is essential for us to give confidence to our customers throughout the design, build and delivery process, that we are a company of integrity and we will deliver exactly what they have purchased.  We accomplish this goal by communicating clearly and frequently with our customers the progress we are making in building their piece. 

One unique service we provide our customers is a personalized cloud-based photo album of their piece being constructed.  We start each piece’s album on the day we purchase the wood and we add to the album daily progress photos along with comments. We share this album with each customer so they can see their piece come together all the way to final staged photos.

When we hear back from our customers encouraging notes about how well we have kept them in the loop, it gives us confidence that our efforts in this area do make a difference. Consider the following quote from one of our customers, Chris.

“Communication, all around, was a highlight. At every point in the process, I knew where we stood. We ended up with such a beautiful piece; the craftsmanship, design, and quality of wood through to the finish — all superb. Thank you to the Frailey Woodworks team, for taking my mountain of requests for a hi-fi-focused cabinet and bringing it to life!”


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